As an orally-fixated-chapstick-addict myself, I honor your loss. And, as I mentioned before, I am curious Who you will be in this next chapter as you release this part of your identity :)

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Phoenix rising

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we Trust!

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I must have known this day would come and that you would need pacifying. Which is why I have memorialized your chapstick “habit” (nigh addiction) in my latest novel. Srsly. My main character smears chapstick on, one-handed all. the. time. Johann lives on.

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I feel seen

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I year later, as I scrolled freaking out that I'm almost out. I hoarded all I could find last year when I found out.... I have 6 left; scraping the inside of each using a toothpick to get every last drop. I can't imagine life without Virtuoso!

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I love this so much. You are not alone.

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Praying you have found a worthy substitute? I'm desperate!!

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Ugh, not really. My new default is Soothing Touch lip balm because it’s affordable and at my local store, but the tube is awkwardly large and it’s a tad too waxy. There will never be a worthy substitute.

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Ughhhhhh I totally agree and I'm still so annoyed by this! Is there a link to TJ's that we can complain to? Maybe if enough of us whine about it???

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