Apr 10, 2023Liked by Serena Burman

I had a moment the other night while watching a friend play live music on a stage, where I realized that that was the first moment in a long while that I was purely sitting down, not "doing" anything. No phone, no internet, no distraction, just pure pleasure of the present moment. Play.

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Serena Burman

It is a wonderful privilege to get to know you as an adult through your writing, my dear Rose Red. 🥰

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Serena Burman

Aaah, The vertical realm. Also the realm where angels meet terra firma. I like to take my Celestine agate and hold it up high and ask those little beings to take a ride down to Earth for a while. Can I borrow your loupe?

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